InLevel Up CodingbyPhuong Le (@func25)6 Cache Strategies to Save Your Database’s PerformanceWhen a post goes viral with millions of views and reactions, all those reads and writes hit the database directly. That can totally…Sep 12, 20231Sep 12, 20231
InLevel Up CodingbyPhuong Le (@func25)How to Generate Unique IDs in Distributed Systems: 6 Key StrategiesIn a distributed environment, two nodes can simultaneously assign IDs, the challenge is ensuring these IDs remain unique, avoiding overlaps…Oct 10, 20236Oct 10, 20236
InTDS ArchivebyVyacheslav EfimovSystem Design: Consistent HashingUnlocking the power of efficient data partitioning in distributed databases like Cassandra and Dynamo DB.Mar 13, 2024Mar 13, 2024
InDev GeniusbyOleg PotapovProbabilistic Data Structures 2: Bloom filter or Cuckoo filter: which is better?This article is about two probabilistic data structures, which can be used for the same purposes and have a lot of things in common, but…Dec 15, 2023Dec 15, 2023
exAspArkTop 5 Ways to Implement Real-Time Rich Text Editor (ranked by complexity)We’ll go through the main approaches to implementing real-time rich text editors and try to assess their pros and cons.Jan 19, 2021Jan 19, 2021
InSupportive Software EngineerbyAlexander NguyenResources that got me into Amazon, Microsoft, and GoogleQuick ContextFeb 10, 20248Feb 10, 20248
InITNEXTbyHéla Ben KhalfallahData structure for file management applicationExploring advanced data structuresFeb 11, 20244Feb 11, 20244
Ankit SinghMastering Sliding Window TechniquesThe sliding window technique is a common algorithmic approach used for solving various problems that involve processing or analyzing a…Aug 8, 20239Aug 8, 20239
Vikas TaankInterview Questions:Length of Longest unique Substring in a String.This is one of the most asked interview question from mid to expert staff member. I would try to share the approach and my understanding of…Dec 22, 20235Dec 22, 20235
Anudeep BallaFloyd’s Tortoise and Hare AlgorithmThe “tortoise and hare” algorithm is a popular technique used in linked list problems and cycle detection. It involves two pointers moving…Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
InLevel Up CodingbyArslan AhmadCoding Interview Pattern: Island (Flood Fill)Coding patterns enhance our “ability to map a new problem to an already known problem.”Dec 1, 20221Dec 1, 20221
InCodeXbyArslan AhmadCoding Interview Pattern: Merge IntervalHow learning coding patterns makes interview preparation easy and efficient.Jan 31, 20231Jan 31, 20231
InArchitectAlgosbyArchitect AlgosDeep Dive into the Universe of ArraysA New Perspective on an Old Favorite Data StructureSep 14, 20231Sep 14, 20231
InArchitectAlgosbyArchitect AlgosUnlocking the power of Sliding Window PatternAn In-Depth Tutorial on Understanding, Implementing, and Mastering the Sliding Window TechniqueSep 8, 20231Sep 8, 20231
Dimas WisodewoGraph Traversal: BFS & DFS (Breadth-first Search and Depth-first Search).Once upon a time, there was this person who totally flunked his job interview (me) because he couldn’t wrap his head around the concepts of…Jun 19, 2023Jun 19, 2023
InThe StartupbyLong NguyenSliding Window — A common technique to solve algorithmic problems involving String/ArrayI recently came across the Sliding Window technique while trying to solve a few algorithmic problems involving arrays or strings.Dec 30, 20191Dec 30, 20191
Harsh BhardwajSliding Window TechniqueThe most famous technique to solve array problems.Oct 7, 2023Oct 7, 2023
Pushan MukhopadhyayTop 25 Algorithms Every Programmer Should KnowWe can solve a question in many different ways. Some processes are lengthy and some processes are short. But sometimes we need a specific…Mar 11, 2023Mar 11, 2023